Monday, May 30, 2011

My First Foodie

I can't say I've ever thought of myself as a "foodie" before now. Besides what is a "Foodie"?

According to 

Foodie  –noun Slang .
a person keenly interested in food, especially in eating or cooking.

So, well, yes than, I suppose I've turned into a foodie. I enjoy seeing something on TV or running across a good recipe online and trying it out here at home. I've been an avid watcher of The Food Network and all their various chefs and cooks. Bravo TV has suckered me into the reality world with "Top Chef" and "Top Chef Masters". I like to experience different cultures and exploring their food is a great way. Basically I enjoy a great meal and the conversation of family and friends that should accompany it.

I come from some serious cooks and bakers in my family tree. My Great-Granny was a farmer's wife and made everything from scratch and and left nothing to waste. Both of my grandmothers could cook like the dickens! My Papa makes some of the best home made bread I've ever had. And I've never gone hungry in my mom's house, even when times were lean. They may have started out with one recipe and by the end it was 10x improved with a little bit extra of this or that. I have some old cookbook and there are notes galore.

I was always encouraged to get in there and be a part of the meal planning, cooking and of course that washing up bit at the end. I enjoy the cautious adventure of making something at home for the first time. Going shopping to get this specialty cheese or a herb that's new to me, and hopefully have it come out a great success. Tasting the meal when it's done, deconstructing the ingredients: "Do you taste this?" or "a pinch more of that". Making my own notes for more or less the same next time.

So this is me, documenting my own foodie adventure and drawing from the others who've helped turn me on to new things. Mind you I'm not trying to be the next Julia Child or anything but it should be interesting. Make sure you have your passport ready for my epicurean adventure.

Bon appétit!