Monday, November 7, 2011

Sushi- a new experience

Sushi. That isn't one of the first things that usually comes to mind when you talk to me about food. I haven't really ever been a fish or seafood kind of person. Most people don't understand how I could grow up fishing for trout or bass and not be interested in enjoying it. Or how I managed to live in New Orleans for almost 6 years and don't eat crayfish, shrimp or anything else you have to use a tool to pop open to eat.  I don't have an answer for you, I just never did care for it.

But, I guess my taste buds have changed (as I've heard they do about every 7 years or so). It all started with a dinner out with a friend to Red Lobster.  Sonya was getting Alaskan King Crab. I thought, OK, why not. It was delish. It mightta had something to do with the copious amounts of butter and garlic and the cheesey biscuits I ate with it but it was pretty darn good. So, now I was interested.  I've since managed oysters, a few different types of fish (whitefish- yes, salmon-still usually not), different crabs, and even a few shrimp dishes.  I no longer order chicken every time we go to the seafood restaurant. :)

But SUSHI?!?! That seems like a whole different category. My first sushi experience was on a double date with my roommate. Claud, Raph and Garry were all excited. Guess what? Me, not so much but hey lets try it. One should never try to eat a bite out of a piece of sushi, let alone with braces on. I stuck to the tempura chicken and passed on the miso soup and salad dressing.

7 years later and I'm now offically hooked on one of the latest food crazes. I actually eat out at sushi quite often. I buy it at the grocery store. I even suggest it as the dinner option.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not slurping down raw chicken tender like pieces of fish, but there are quite a few rolls I really enjoy. Especially if they contain crab, avocado, and cream cheese! There are a few more adventurous "towers" I've been willing to try and the pay-off was excellent.  Just don't ask me what was in it. My own version of "don't ask, don't tell".

I've been to several really great ones, and look forward to trying new locations as they are suggested. Till then I've got my go to location right around the corner with excellent selections and a great happy hour.

Hooked, line and sinker!